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Unmatched: Ceata si Fum
- Card Game
- Fantasy
- Fighting
- Horror
- Novel-based
- Action Point Allowance System
- Campaign / Battle Card Driven
- Card Play Conflict Resolution
- Hand Management
- Player Elimination
- Point to Point Movement
- Partnerships
- Variable Player Powers
- Books: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Characters: Dracula
- Sherlock Holmes
- Books: The Invisible Man
- Category: Two players fighting games
- Components: Miniatures
- Components: Multi-Use Cards
- Unmatched
- Misc: Made by Panda
- Misc: Watch It Played How To Videos
- Rob Daviau
- Justin D. Jacobson
- Chris Leder
- Kevin Rodgers
Andra versioner:
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog engelsk
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog spanska
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog franska
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog italienska
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog tysk
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog holländska
Unmatched: Bruk i Mgła putsa
Unmatched: Árny & Köd ungerska
Unmatched: Souboj v mlze tjeckiska
Unmatched: Туман над Mостовой ryska