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Эволюция: Естественный Отбор

- Animals
- Card Game
- Educational
- Environmental
- Prehistoric
- Print & Play
- Action Point Allowance System
- Hand Management
- Press Your Luck
- Simulation
- Simultaneous Action Selection
- Take That
- Turn Order: Progressive
- Animals: Dinosaurs
- Components: Meeples (Animal) / Animeeples
- Components: Meeples (Dinosaur) / Dinomeeples
- Kickstarter
- Digital Implementations: Board Game Arena
- Digital Implementations: Google Play
- Digital Implementations: Steam
- Tableau Building
- Misc: Watch It Played How To Videos
- Evolution (North Star Games)
- Biology
- Evolution
- Nature Games
- Theme: Science
- Dominic Crapuchettes
- Dmitry Knorre
- Sergey Machin