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- Age of Reason
- Travel
- Deck / Pool Building
- Hand Management
- Simone Luciani
- Nestore Mangone
- End Game Bonuses
- Income
- Card Drafting
- Point to Point Movement
- Tech Trees / Tech Tracks
- Tile Placement
- Turn Order: Progressive
- Variable Setup
- Game: Newton
- Occupation: Researcher / Scientist
- Theme: Physics
- Theme: Science
- Action Retrieval
- Drafting
- Solo / Solitaire Game
- Components: Map (Continental / National scale)
- Components: Meeples (Blue)
- Components: Meeples (Green)
- Components: Meeples (Red)
- Components: Meeples (Yellow)
- Components: Multi-Use Cards
- Continent: Europe
- Digital Implementations: Tabletopia
- Digital Implementations: Yucata
- Tableau Building
- Solitaire Games