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The Witcher: El Viejo Mundo - Skellige
- Expansion for Base-game
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Fighting
- Miniatures
- Novel-based
- Travel
- Video Game Theme
- Card Play Conflict Resolution
- Deck / Pool Building
- Dice Rolling
- Events
- Hand Management
- Increase Value of Unchosen Resources
- Narrative Choice / Paragraph
- Card Drafting
- Pick-up and Deliver
- Point to Point Movement
- Race
- Role Playing
- Solo / Solitaire Game
- Variable Player Powers
- Variable Setup
- Books: The Witcher
- Components: Miniatures
- Components: Multi-Use Cards
- Monsters
- Crowdfunding: Catarse
- Kickstarter
- Crowdfunding: zagramwto
- Solitaire Games
- Łukasz Woźniak